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My Testimonials

What my clients have to say

Want to tell you that you are one of the first people who encouraged me to make this shift and told me that I can


Everybody asks me why I do not do life coaching and I do have a coach and she is great. 

Thank you for everything Laila, you’ve been a great positive influence on my life all these past years…Grateful to have you in my life

Coach Ramy Saleh

Laila has been a life changer for me. She showed me how to lead a successful life as I had a lot of misconceptions about how I deal with stress, business and family matters.

She used various techniques to work with me including EFT and counseling. To this day I apply everything she showed me and thanks to her I live a happy successful life.

Dr. Wael AbdelSalam

مكمتش عايزة ابعتلك الرسالة دي غير لما اوصل. النهاردة اول يوم ليا في البلد الجديدة! 
بحاول استوعب كل اللي حصل في الفترة اللي فاتت. احداث كثيرة ومتلاحقة وسريعة وزحمة وتفاصيل كثيرة.
بحاول استوعب اني وصلت للحاجة اللي كنت بسعي ليها بقالي كثير، واطلب من ربنا ان يوفقني فيها عشان اطور شخصيتي ودراستي وخبرتي. 
انتي شريكة في النجاح ده بشكل كبييييييييييييير اوي ❤️❤️ ساعدتيني جدا افهم نفسي واعرف اتعامل معاها واخد قرارات تناسبني. شكرا انك مهتمة من قلبك وبجد غيرتي فيا حاجات كثير. 
الحمد لله علي اللي انا فيه ده 
عارفة ان اللي مشوار مخلصش، ده بيبدأ! 
ولسه قدامي تحديات كثيرة. 
بس ان شاء الله اكون قدها واكيد هتكوني جمبي وهنكمل عشان تكون افضل تجربة


This is long overdue but I’ve been doing a lot of self reflection lately. And I have to say over the past year I can safely say that in certain big aspects of my life I feel like a changed person and while we are all always a work in progress I really just wanna thank you so much for the major input you’ve had in this change and personal growth of mine. 
You’ve really given me great tools and allowed me to shift my mindset in ways I never thought possible. 
So thank you so much begad I appreciate you so much!


After identifying the main areas of development, Layla has used a practical approach with an upscaling pace to address these areas , the most important area for me was " How to receive & interpret the emotional motives hidden in interactions & conversations which helped me to adapt my communication based on this understanding & improved business interactions

Healthcare Leader

She Helped me to have more self confidence in my thoughts and decisions 

Laila herself she was super supportive 

Omar, Finance Director

  1. The program helps me to know, use and develop my strengths and weaknesses points … discover myself

Mostafa, Finance Manager


اشكر ك مينتور ليلى ابو العينين على جلسات المينتور  حيث كانت جلسات داعمة منحتني الوصول لمرحلة التقديم ل Acc كما اشكر  اسلوبك  الملهم والمريح في التعامل وتحفيزك لي طيلة فترة  البرنامج والذي اعطاني حافز للأفضل ممتنة لك .

Coach Sanaa

I could never thank you enough ☺️ It’s not only the encouragement , it’s the smooth and easy to remember examples that you covered during the mentor sessions. 

You were very professional handling the theoretical and practical part calming all our worries or queries 🙂

God bless u .. you are a great mentor and a role model 😊
ويبقى الاثر 😍 شكرا

Coach Noha

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